Wednesday 8 July 2015

Faith Is The Key To Victory

Heb 11:33-34, eph 6:16,heb10:22-23
      Every  believer will at some time face challenges and opposition. The question is; when faced with challenges, do you resign yourself to fate and give up, or do you get up in faith and step up to overcome?. A good example is seen in mark 5:25-29; the woman with the issue of blood, she could have given up on her condition, she could have gone back to her house because of the crowd around Jesus, yet pressed forward in faith and received her miracle. 

So how do I rise above my fear, and walk into my victory?
To arise, you must understand that
1. Life is a gift from God, accept it . What you make of it is what it becomes for you
2. Life is a duty, so rise up and perform it.
3. Life is a challenge, face it
*Arise above self-pity, isa 60:1
*see with the eye of faith (think, confess and act positively in spite of what you see around you)         1-king18:43-46
*get a word from God for your season, and step out with the word in faith James 20:20, 26.
REMEMBER; FEAR=False Evidence Appearing Real
                       FAITH=Far Above In The Heavenlies,( where you are sitted with Christ above all, john 3:31)
FINAL WORD: faith achieves success,  faith is your defence in the days of adversity, faith brings the blessing. Rise above mediocrity, step up in faith and victory will be yours.

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