Friday 10 July 2015

What Do You See?

 Prov 29:18,Hab 2:2-3
      Vision is a comprehensive sense of where you are now, where  you are going to, and how you are going to get there.It is a God given dream/supernatural insight into the  future with a desire to pursue and actualize it. It is a  product of revelation which has the ability to determine the scope and direction of one's life.
      What you see is worth possessing, and that which you are able to possess is what you ultimately become. gen 13:14-15, jer 1:11-12: Whenever a man's  life becomes  devoid of vision, his life begins to slide into  one of ridicule, see the story of Samson, once the enemy was able to take his sight and vision, they reduced him to an object of ridicule, grinding for women which was not God's original intention for him.

  *Vision has the ability to shapen one's life (it has the ability to determine your friends, relationships and use of time and resources)
 *Vision determines the future;what you can envision is what you definitely walk into
 *Vision ensures the maximization of  God given potentials and abilities
*Vision determines the full actualization of destiny

1. They follow hard after God; because they realize that visions come from God, and he alone  has the capacity to make come through that which he has  delivered  into their spirit job 32:8
2. Men of vision are focused; they don't stop to recount or gloat over what they have achieved, rather they keep pressing on. phil  3:13
3. Men of vision are disciplined in all areas of their life; 1cor 9:27,
4.They live  a life dedicated to continual self-improvement; prov 18:1-2  

   Vision defines purpose, creates understanding and fulfills destiny
      You  have to see clearly to perform excellently.

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