Friday 27 November 2015

Greater Works

Text: John 14:12-21

The 21st century church inspite of its achievements, innovations and intellectual advancements, seems to drift further and further away from the focus of God's purpose for the church, this purpose is found in Acts 10:38, the drift is responsible for the woes, all manner of oppression and bondage of the devil being seen in our age.

Jesus came, showed us how to get things done and went back to heaven, leaving you in charge; yet things we should have mastery over and bring under control, now control and dictate for us unlike the early church.

We must understand that the book of Acts of the Apostles is not finished yet, the Apostles began it, and we are to continue the book. A new chapter of Acts begins when we take God by his word; step out in faith to do exploit for the kingdom.

  Let fear, despondency and discouragement leave us as we rise up in faith and courage, strengthened with the spirit of might in our inner man and do greater works-MIRACLES, SIGNS AND WONDERS, this is because while we have been waiting on God for far too long to effect a change, He's been wondering at us, because He has put us in charge.

 There are situations God is not expected to be involved in. In ‘Rev 12:7’, there was war in heaven when "Small boy" Satan rose up in rebellion, God didn't get involved, rather archangel Michael "God's boy" rose to the challenge with his host and victory was theirs.

God has given us 2 very vital keys in the journey of life that ensures we are already victorious ever before we begin a battle;



When Jesus came out of Jordan, God said “this is my beloved son, hear ye him”, he was talking to everything created by God to respond to Jesus, John 1 described Jesus as "the word", thus when we speak God's word not our own word, everything made must respond to us as they did for Jesus.

With the holy spirit indwelling in us, as we speak he takes the word and empowers it to produce, to bring forth and yield the desired results.

1.      It will bring glory to the father as he showcases his power to the world through his children. John 14:13-14
2.      To execute judgment on the princes and elements of this world. John 12:31
3.      It will draw men to God. john 12:32


·        It   is inevitable that challenges will come, but remember victory has already been assured us ever before the fight begins, no matter how tough it seem. psa 91:7-8

·        You may cry yourself a river, God is not moved by your tears but by your faith, so rise up and step out in faith

FINAL WORD    John 20:21

Because God has sent you, he will be with you to confirm his word with signs and wonders following.

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