Wednesday 27 April 2016


Text: Psalm 102:13
Preacher: Rev. D.M. Ubanatu

Hebrews 4:16, Isaiah 38: 1-6
Favour is a spiritual ingredient.
When you enjoy favour, life smiles at you.
Favour can also open doors.
Psalm 44:1-4(vs 3)

One of the key to uncommon favour is PRAYER. Make prayers with specific request to God-… Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord (Isaiah 38:1-6).

Prayer made Daniel’s blessing get to him. He did not relent in his prayers even when the Prince of the kingdom of Persia withstood the Angel of the Lord for 21days. (Daniel 10:13).

Prayer can send divine favour into your life (Psalm 18:34-46)
There is a God in heaven before whom all the prayers of the earth come to. For if we pray there is a God in Heaven to answer.

Examples of Bible characters that enjoyed Gods favour through prayers;
*Nehemiah (Neh 2:1-9) favour gives strength, authority and boldness
The prayer of faith is God's raw materials for the miraculous.
Divine intervention is a move of God beyond our imagination.

Psalm 18:36,38 cripple my enemies oh God,
(Verse 41) may they never have anybody 2 carryout their plans, may I see their end,
(Verse 44) as soon as they hear of me, they shall obey me
Father locate me in my present situation & relocate me

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