Monday 17 August 2015



Luke 15 : 7

Romans 13 : 11- 12

In creation, God created man as a being in his class and placed him in charge and above all of his creation. However man fell from grace because of sin and lost his place and glory which the father bequeathed him and has continued to struggle with the elements of this world  being in subjection until the coming of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

The prodigal son in luke 15, typically exemplifies the state of man today as he struggles to navigate through life, having gone away from his father's covering and was reduced to ridicule and shame until he came to himself, an awakening of his spirit man to his original position when he was with his father and made a turnaround decision to return to the top. In Genesis 39, we see Joseph made the decision to rise above the mediocrity of infidelity and advances of his master's wife, and God honoured his decision and took him far beyond his wildest imagination.

Monday 3 August 2015

The Blessings Of Faith

Heb 12:1-2, vs 6
Mark 11: 22.
        Faith is the ability/empowerment given by God to every born again ,to believe what seems "humanly unreasonable" and expect God to do the impossible.1 kings 17:10-15; Prophet Elijah in spite of the famine, despite the widow's state and her  statement regarding their last meal, gave her a test of faith which according to human reason appears beyond reach, inhumane and albeit cruel, she stepped out in faith believing, even though God's servant may have requested what seems unreasonable and humanly difficult, and God showed up and made what was humanly impossible happen for her by supernatural provision all through the famine . As we believe God and take a step of faith, may he show up and do the impossible for us in Jesus name, amen.