Monday 3 August 2015

The Blessings Of Faith

Heb 12:1-2, vs 6
Mark 11: 22.
        Faith is the ability/empowerment given by God to every born again ,to believe what seems "humanly unreasonable" and expect God to do the impossible.1 kings 17:10-15; Prophet Elijah in spite of the famine, despite the widow's state and her  statement regarding their last meal, gave her a test of faith which according to human reason appears beyond reach, inhumane and albeit cruel, she stepped out in faith believing, even though God's servant may have requested what seems unreasonable and humanly difficult, and God showed up and made what was humanly impossible happen for her by supernatural provision all through the famine . As we believe God and take a step of faith, may he show up and do the impossible for us in Jesus name, amen.
   Faith is our response to the mind/word of God . john 11:38-44.Jesus appeared at the scene 4 days after the death of Lazarus, when he said roll away the stone, Martha came up with various excuses and reasons why the stone should be left alone. Sometimes our human philosophy and logic tends to hold us back from acting on God's word. When we receive divine instructions, we say nothing of this sort has ever happened before, no one has ever done something like this, it can serve as a hindrance. Jesus said unto Martha, if only you will respond to my word, then you will see a performance. When they obeyed and removed the stone, Lazarus came back to Life. I decree today that every hindrance to taking God by his word be removed from our lives  today in Jesus name amen.
      Faith transcends the natural to take delivery of the supernatural. Dan 3:14-18, 24-27. The 3 Hebrew boys where in a strange land, where idolatry was the norm. Rather than bow to worship the King's idol, they saw it as an opportunity to showcase the power of God to the unbelieving Nebuchadnezzar. In spite of the King's wrath,  despite the fiery furnace, in the face of agonizing death, they choose to stand in their faith on the infallible God, and God did show up for them; transcended the laws of nature and gave them an undeniable victory and testimony.
Blessings of faith
1. Faith creates the impossible, this is because when we respond with faith, God shows up not to look for solutions, but to create the solution for his child
2. Faith is the catalyst for the miraculous.
3. Faith sets the stage for the release of God's power
4. Faith brings glory to God.
Final thought:
Gal 2:20
Rom 1:16-17.

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