Monday 17 August 2015



Luke 15 : 7

Romans 13 : 11- 12

In creation, God created man as a being in his class and placed him in charge and above all of his creation. However man fell from grace because of sin and lost his place and glory which the father bequeathed him and has continued to struggle with the elements of this world  being in subjection until the coming of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.

The prodigal son in luke 15, typically exemplifies the state of man today as he struggles to navigate through life, having gone away from his father's covering and was reduced to ridicule and shame until he came to himself, an awakening of his spirit man to his original position when he was with his father and made a turnaround decision to return to the top. In Genesis 39, we see Joseph made the decision to rise above the mediocrity of infidelity and advances of his master's wife, and God honoured his decision and took him far beyond his wildest imagination.

Just like the prodigal son; circumstances and people may have relegated you to the back, dumped in the gully and all hope seems lost. But you must also realise that inspite of all the forces militating against you and preventing your rise, all we need to make it to the top, every potential and empowerment has been bequeathed to and is endowed within us by God, therefore rise above haters and people who run you down, rise above the circumstance you find yourself in, rise to the top and be all God has destined for you to be.

Remember life is also a journey, a race to eternity; that you make decision will determine your position in life here and where you'll spend eternity hereafter. God is calling everyone to make the decision to spend it with him in eternity by accepting his free offer of salvation which is Jesus Christ, Romans 13 : 11. He is the way, the truth and the life to the top, neither is there salvation nor lifting in any other, Acts 4:12


1. The God factor

2. Absolute faith in God, Heb 11 : 6

3. Obedience to God's word

4. Holiness

5. Learn the act of spiritual exercise-prayer and fasting

6. Reject compromise

7. Refuse a life without purpose

8. Have a vision for your life, , when you don't have a vision, you'll end up living other people's vision.

9. Reject a life of indecision, when you don't make up your mind, , others will make decisions for you.


1. It places you in charge-Genesis 39:4b....and he made him overseer over his house, and all that he had he put into his hand.

2. It will unleash uncommon favour, Genesis  39:4a...And Joseph found grace in his sight,

3. It positions you for exploits: see Daniel in the land of Babylon

4. Manifestation of the glory of God in our lives.


God can be trusted, put your trust in him, live for him, even when people see no good in you, even when the circumstance seems daunting, he will make all things work out for your good.


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