Sunday 17 January 2016

Raising An Altar Unto The Lord

Raising An Altar Unto The Lord
Text: Gen 8:20-22, Job 1:7, Matt 11:12

“Altar Speaks” and “Altar is a place of servicing or activating covenant”. Divine instructions and spiritual laws can cause miraculous answers to your prayers (2Kings 5). 
Do not base everything on prayer our miracle can come to us speedily when we listen and obey divine instructions from God. “Obedience to divine instructions and principles is the key to unlock the miraculous”. 

People in the Bible who obeyed divine instruction and followed divine principle.
·        * Gideon (Gen. 26:25)
·        * Namaan (2Kings 5:1-7)

·        * Jacob (Gen.35:3)

People in occult world understand spiritual principle more than we Christians. A true child of God can raise an Altar through sacrificial giving (Job 36:11).

The strength of an Altar is determined by the size of the sacrifice on the Altar; the strength of the Altar is enforced by the voice speaking on the Altar. (Rev. 8:1-5)

Spiritual realm is like an auction market and the power goes to the highest bidder. 
Altars can mere your future or destiny. Satanic Altars are raised to stop peoples progress.

Kinds Of Altar
·       || Marine Altar
·       || Forest Altar
·       || Cemetery Altar
·       || Territorial Altar
·       || Road Junction Altar

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