Tuesday 19 January 2016

What Is Spiritual Warfare?

What Is Spiritual Warfare?Text: 1Timothy 6:12, 2Timothy 4:18 
Spiritual warfare is a wide scope reality that involves confronting the forces of the kingdom of darkness both in the heavenly realm and here on earth – Ephesians 6:12. It involves the physical and spiritual warfare

In the physical realm, the warfare involves you as a Christian and other believers for they have been called into this warfare and every weapon requisite for victory has been given to us of God, Eph. 6:10. In fighting spiritual warfare, the battle belongs to God and ‘you’ are the soldier. (Rom13:11-14). Ignoring spiritual warfare will not make the devil to go away.

Spiritual warfare is not just prayer and intercession –John 4:23-24

May the Lord take charge and give us victory over every warfare we face in life in Jesus name. Amen.

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